Magic FAT Recovery


In order to view the properties of any disk, file or folder, select the item and go to “Properties” in the “File” menu.

Using Magic FAT Recovery: Physical Disk Properties

In the properties for a physical disk you can change the number of sectors and number of bytes in a sector, while in the properties for a volume you can change the first disk sector and other parameters. If you analyze the selected disk after applying changes, the analysis will take the changes you made into account.

Using Magic FAT Recovery: Logical disk properties

In the properties for a file you can change the size of the file by clicking “Change file size”. After applying changes, preview and recovery of the file will take these changes into account.

Using Magic FAT Recovery: File properties

To undo the changes you have made in the properties for the selected item, click “Reset” and apply changes by clicking “OK”.

When properties of files or folders in the NTFS system are displayed, you can look at alternate data streams, as well as system attributes of MFT records. To do this, go to the “Data streams” tab in the properties window. Select the required attribute in the upper section of the tab and you can look at or save its contents in the lower section.

Using Magic FAT Recovery: Alternate Data Streams

To view properties for the operating system, in the left part of the program select “My Computer” and click on “Properties” in the “File” menu.

Using Magic FAT Recovery: Operating System Properties
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